Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri

Relaunching ANPR, the unified Italian population registry


Relaunching ANPR, the unified national population registry is the title of the first Medium post of Mirko Calvaresi, Technical Project Manager of the Digital Transformation Team of the Italian Government, that announces the signing stage of the contract between Ministry of Interior and Sogei, that confers at the Team leaded by Diego Piacentini the role of Program Office. To date, in Italy, there are 720 Municipalities in the pre-migration stage and another 2,000 Municipalities have started to carry out tests on accuracy. There was one at the end of 2016, Bagnacavallo. 

The post continues on Medium.


Rome, July 31, 2017 - "To date, our identities are scattered across 8,000 different registries" explains Mirko Calvaresi, Tehnical Project Manager of the Digital Transformation Team from his Medium post: "each Municipality manages its own registry, using software capable of communicating with a few central systems but not with other Municipalities. This fragmented system represents the only reliable and authoritative source for vital data like place of birth, residence, and household composition."

The solution to this problem is ANPR, the National Resident Population Register, "a single national database designed to combine the demographic data of all Italian residents, including those living abroad", as explained by Diego Piacentini in his program post wich defined ANPR a fundamental part of the operating system of the country.

It was also created "a section devoted to ANPR on the platform (summary of the news), where we have launched a discussion forum dedicated to ANPR issues and developments, in which everyone is invited to participate".

Today, "after months of negotiations, our new contract with the Ministry of the Interior and Sogei, the company developing ANPR, has finally reached the signing stage and the Digital Transformation Team has officially assumed the role of Program Office".

The current situation sees 11 Municipalities active on ANPR, but, Mirko says, "There are 720 Municipalities in the pre-migration stage. This means they are in the process of carrying out the last tests on their registries to correct any anomalies that might arise from the transition to ANPR. Another 2,000 Municipalities have started to carry out tests on accuracy and finally, all forty (plus) technology and registry service providers are either testing product integration on pilot Municipalities or have already developed products that can support integration".


Read the complete post on Medium, in which is explained in details what was done in these early months.


Marisandra Lizzi 
Communication and PR 
Twitter: @marisandralizzi
Facebook: marisandra.lizzi
Italian Government



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