State Of The Net

State of the Art. Of the Net. Main theme 2014: Smart Life

State of the Art. Of the Net

Main theme 2014: Smart Life

June 12-14, 2014

Molo 4, piazza Duchi degli Abruzzi,Trieste 

Per accrediti o informazioni:


Trieste, May 29th, 2014 – Print a spare part for your washing machine, at home, with the 3D printer. Jump on a car anywhere you want and leave it where you prefer. Usa an app to learn how to code, make bread or meditate. The world is changing and evolving in ways we have never experienced before. If there ever was one, the Era of Abundance is over. We need to do our best with the present resources, with the benefits provided by the digital world in order to challenge the scarcity of the Analog Age. Internet is where and how we can win this challenge.

 Do discuss all this, we look forward for you to join us in Trieste for

State of the Net 2014!

 The #Sotn14 program is being updated at this link:

 During the three-days event in Trieste (June 12-13-14), in which you can partecipate for free by simply registering on, networking sessions will alternate to keynotes in the Plenary Room.

 Following are a selection of topics to be discussed in the various speeches:

smart. As you know, the main theme of this year’s conference will be Smart Life. If you’re still wondering what smart really means, than you can’t miss Luca De Biase‘s speech dealing with the opportunity to leverage the abundance of the digital world to challenge the scarcity of the analog one.
June 13th 09:40 am, Molo4, Plenary Room

numbers. We will open the conference with our traditional section numbers. Journalist and author Carola Frediani will lead us under the surface of the biggest and most unknown part of the Net, the Dark Web.
June 13th 10:15 am, Molo 4, Plenary Room

open for real. Our keynote speaker Dave Winer will address the conference the need for an open and thriving internet world, overcoming the hegemony of the tech companies. Together with Euan Semple and other “protobloggers”, Dave will also lead a conversation about why blogging still matters in 2014.
June 13th 10:30 am, Molo 4 ,Plenary Room

big data and privacy. Anne Wright will join us in Trieste too. Anne is an brilliant engineer (she worked on the prototype Mars Rover at NASA!). Today, as a researcher for Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg, Anne has become one of the world’s top specialist on health empowerment through open source technology development and the aggregation of self tracking data. Roger Taylor , former correspondent for the Financial Times, is now an advisor for healthcare organizations, will also speak about the benefits of information for the individual. Anne and Roger will then join Adriana Lukas and Elvira Berlingieri for a conversation about the smart trade offs between personal data, aggregated data and privacy.
June 14th 10:20 am, Molo 4, Plenary Room

learning smarter. Knowledge is a perfect example of human abilities redefined by digital tools. Liddy Nevile, professor at La Trobe University in Melburne, will share her experience about the use of computers and programming skills in education since the 1970s. Cefriel’s Ceo Alfonso Fuggetta will enrich the analysis with stories from smart learning occurrence in the business context. Gigi Tagliapietra will then run a panel further discussing knowledge and learning in the enterprise world.
June 13th 12:05 pm, Molo4, Plenary Room

reshaping industries. The editor-in-chief of Wired Italia Massimo Russo will host a conversation about industries that are reshaping their business through smart innovation. Maurizio Costabeber, the entrapreneur who brought precision 3D printing in the jewelery and digital dentistry industries, and Andrea Raimondi, a reasearcher at the University of Nottingham who is hacking through the open data the way Venice deals with high tides, will also be part of the panel.
June 13th 03:00 pm, Molo 4, Plenary Room

open politics. Anna Masera, new head of the press office of the Camera dei Deputati, the Lower House of the Italian Parliament, will be our star in a fireside chat with the SotN gang about the innovations she’s putting through in her office, opening to the engagement of citizens and civic hacker through social media and open data.
June 13th 04:30 pm, Molo 4, Plenary Room

Preview of the event

ICT4inclusion and managing uncertainty. This year State of the Net will host a special prologue on Thursday, June 12th, ICT4inclusion. It is a technology dating organized by AREA Science Park, as partner of the Enterprise Europe Network which will lead to Trieste entrepreneurs, experts and researchers active in the field of ICT. Dave Snowden returns to Trieste and will star a workshop opening the event of match making, offering thoughts and meditations on the issues of handling situations under uncertainty, learning from the natural sciences.

June 12th 09:00 am, Molo 4, Plenary Room

and counting… Stay tuned for updates, we still have a lot of speakers, topics and news to introduce to you in the very next few days. Register now if you haven’t already: it’s free.

And once you’ve registered, let it know to your friends on Twitter and Facebook: use the hashtag #sotn14.



For informations

 State of the Net – Press Office

Mirandola Comunicazione
Marco Ferrario, - 348.2509895
Martina Mauro, - 329.3978804

Marisandra Lizzi, 348.3615042 
Sergio Bissi, - 342.5477180

Uploaded on 30/05/2014





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