Tech Silu

Tech Silu

Tech SiLu fosters a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem, to develop a new generation of entrepreneurs and successful stories: creating Value for a unified Startup Ecosystem. Tech Silu is an international Association which operates at the highest institutional levels and on several investment markets promoting the development of the Italian startup scene. Introducing a brand new Silk Road. If in the past our Ancients used the silk road for trading and exchanging cultures, Tech Silu aims today to reinvent it for moving innovative projects, entrepreneurial spirits and excellent talents. Our Vision: To create value for a globalized startup ecosystem, establishing a new generation of entrepreneurs and success stories. Our Mission: To develop synergies between the European and Asian innovation ecosystems through cross-border interchange of : innovative ideas; disruptive startups; incredible developer & technologist; investment funds. Our Belief: Believing that our operations will: foster success for entrepreneurs; create additional value for startups; generate above-market return for investors; positively impact the society on a global scale.

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PR Account
Tommaso Ferruccio Camponeschi


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I 5 principali VC Italiani dell’Innovazione protagonisti a Pechino per crescere in Cina

Dal 28 Febbraio al 1 Marzo 2019, i principali attori dello scenario del Venture Financing Italiano si troveranno a Pechino con oltre 10 tra le piu importanti controparti Cinesi in una due giorni volta a costruire un quadro collaborativo sull’asse Sino-Italiano della New Economy.

Tech Silu


OTEC ITALIA PITCH COMPETITION 2018 La prima edizione italiana della competition cinese premia le startup Blubrake e OaCP

OTEC ITALIA PITCH COMPETITION 2018 La prima edizione italiana della competition cinese premia le startup Blubrake e OaCP che voleranno a Pechino per la finale mondiale di OTEC Beijing Milano, 08 luglio 2018. Si è conclusa la prima edizione italiana dell'Overseas Talent and Entrepreneurship Competition, la principale startup competition cinese del Chaoyang District - ...

Tech Silu


Al via OTEC2018: Tech Silu porta in Italia la Startup Competition del Governo di Pechino che premia le eccellenze italiane.

L'Overseas Talent and Entrepreneurship Conference (OTEC) del Chaoyang District, tra i più importanti di Beijing, arriva in Italia grazie a Tech Silu per selezionare le migliori startup italiane

Tech Silu