Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri

Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri




A Codemotion il Team per la Trasformazione Digitale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri presenta Developers Italia, la community italiana di sviluppatori di servizi pubblici, creata in collaborazione con l'Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale -AgID

Marisandra Lizzi per il Team per la Trasformazione Digitale



At Codemotion, the Italian Government Digital Transformation Team presents Developers Italia, the Italian community of Public Services? Developers, created in collaboration with AgID ? Digital Italy Agency.

Marisandra Lizzi for Italian Digital Transformation Team


Il commento di Diego Piacentini alla nomina di Digital Champion

Marisandra per il Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri


Diego Piacentini's comment on his appointment as Digital Champion

The entire team for the Digital Transformation will be the true Digital Champion: its members, based on their skills and areas of expertise, will take on initiatives that coincide with what you'd expect from a Digital Champion

Marisandra for the Italian Digital Team


From ?this data is mine and I manage it? to ?these data are ours and we manage them together?

?Submersion? is a serious phenomenon that affects the whole of Italy. We are not, in this case, referring to the all-too-common practice of tax evasion. There is another, equally large source of capital to bring to the surface, and its mechanism of ?recovery? is technological, organizational and legislative. There is a great resource that isn?t able to emerge and make itself us...

Marisandra for Italian Government Digital Transformation Team


Codice dell'amministrazione digitale a misura di cittadino. Dai codici al codice

Marisandra Lizzi per il Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri


Al via la collaborazione operativa tra il Team Digitale e i comuni di Bari, Firenze, Milano, Palermo, Roma, Torino e Venezia

Marisandra Lizzi per il Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri


Why information security is not simply a matter of black and white .

Responsible disclosure ? the difference between malicious and ethical hackers The subject of our first post is not an easy one to discuss but it is the one that sits the closest to our hearts and has earned the first place in our manifesto (which you can find here in Diego Piacentini?s first post about the Digital Transformation Team): Security and privacy are the most import...

Marisandra for Italian Government Digital Transformation Team


Towards the new ?operating system? of the country

Technological competence and first plans by Diego Piacentini, Government Commissioner for the Digital Agenda We have decided to follow the advice of Joao Gilberto, one of the masters of bossa nova, who said to a young Enrico Rava during his years in New York: ?Only play the necessary notes. Try not to play the others?.

Marisandra for Italian Government Digital Transformation Team


Perché la sicurezza informatica non è una questione di bianco e nero

Marisandra Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri