Meet the Media Guru

Intelligence and storytelling. The future of stories at the times of machine learning

Algorithms don't have the news

The expert Francesco Paulo Marconi: «Digitalization offers new tools, but the responsibility of information is up to men». 

«Artificial intelligence provides extraordinary resources that allow both to reveal and create fake news. Journalists must learn to check the sources of the web».


Intelligence and storytelling. The future of stories at the times of machine learning: this is the name of the event organized by Meet the Media Guru that hosted Francesco Paulo Marconi as Guru in the topic of New Media and “Digital” Journalism.

From the Net to the "AI revolution", machines let people be more creative in the creation of their stories and investigations. The lecture analyzed the impact of new technologies in journalism and media sectors, how society can benefit from these changes, as well as the limits and benefits of AI, machine learning and human.

This was also the focus of the interview to Francesco Paulo from Alessandro Zaccuri, Avvenire. What about the standards of traditional journalism and which is the path?

To see the complete video of the lecture, please click here.

Here the interview to Francesco Paulo Marconi pubblished on the online newspaper

Uploaded on 11/04/2018