Jim Tankersley

Articles from press reviews

Newspaper and Title Journalist Group Publication date
New York Times
Il summit ONU sul clima accoglie l'IA, con alcune riserve però
Tankersley Jim TEMI INNOVAZIONE 04/12/2023
New York Times
Sono nate nuove start-up durante la pandemia
Tankersley Jim TEMI INNOVAZIONE 30/09/2023
New York Times 27-09-2022
Il costo della cancellazione del debito studentesco sarà ingente
Rogers Katie - Tankersley Jim SCENARIO 27/09/2022
New York Times 28-08-2022
Il piano per sostenere il debito fa emergere i limiti delle risorse di Biden
Tankersley Jim SCENARIO 28/08/2022
New York Times 27-08-2022
Sollecitare Biden sul debito studentesco
Shear Michael_D. - Tankersley Jim - Kanno-Youngs Zolan SCENARIO 27/08/2022
New York Times 26-08-2022
Le misure del presidente per ridurre il debito studentesco sono incentrate sulla classe media
Tankersley Jim SCENARIO 26/08/2022
New York Times
Il presidente considera il miglioramento delle infrastrutture come un modo per riguadagnare un vantaggio sulla Cina
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 17/11/2021
New York Times
Bidern firma la legge per rilanciare le infrastrutture
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 16/11/2021
New York Times
Biden modifica la sua agenda politica per raggiungere un accordo
Shear Michael_D. - Cochrane Emily - Tankersley Jim SCENARIO 21/10/2021
New York Times
White House Says the Richest Pay Only 8% in Federal Taxes
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 24/09/2021
New York Times International Edition
For Biden, agenda and legacy rest on one bill
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 21/09/2021
New York Times
Plan to tax rich nms at incomes, not big fortunes
Weisman Jonathan - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 14/09/2021
New York Times
Biden's Challenge: A Wobbly Economy
Tankersley Jim - Casselman ben STAMPA ESTERA 01/09/2021
New York Times
Biden Aides Rebut Fears Of Inflation
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 24/08/2021
New York Times
Il Senato porta avanti il disegno legge sulle infrastrutture da 1 trilione di dollari
Cochrane Emily - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 29/07/2021
New York Times
Budget Aims At Reshaping An Economy
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 16/07/2021
New York Times
Nonostante il compromesso sull'economia, Biden afferma che farà di più con meno
Tankersley Jim - Shear Michael_D. STAMPA ESTERA 08/07/2021
New York Times
130 paesi votano per l'imposta minima sulle multinazionali
Alderman Liz - Tankersley Jim - Nelson Eshe STAMPA ESTERA 02/07/2021
New York Times
L'accordo sulle infrastrutture è un grande, ma parziale, passo verso il pieno ripristino
Tankersley Jim - Ngo Madeleine - Cochrane Emily STAMPA ESTERA 26/06/2021
New York Times
Raggiunto un accordo da 1,2 trilioni di dollari per il piano sulle infrastrutture
Weisman Jonathan - Cochrane Emily - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 25/06/2021
New York Times
New Worry Over State Revenues: They're Soaring
Tankersley Jim - Rappeport Alan STAMPA ESTERA 25/05/2021
New York Times
As Prices Rise, Biden and Fed See a Rebound
Tankersley Jim - Smialek Jeanna STAMPA ESTERA 23/05/2021
New York Times
Betting a Country Tested by Crisis Is Ready to Invest in Itself
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 29/04/2021
New York Times
Biden Revisits a Trump-Era Tax Break
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 22/04/2021
New York Times
How Biden Is Planning To Raise $2.5 Trillion
rappeport Alan - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 08/04/2021
New York Times
Democrats push for higher taxes on global firms
Tankersley Jim - Rappeport Adam STAMPA ESTERA 06/04/2021
New York Times
L'uguaglianza razziale si colloca al centro del piano di Biden
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 02/04/2021
New York Times
Racial equality lands at center of Biden's plan
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 02/04/2021
New York Times
Biden plan stresses jobs, roads and growth
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 01/04/2021
New York Times
Biden Wants Big Business to Foot Bill to Rebuild
Tankersley Jim - Cochrane Emily STAMPA ESTERA 31/03/2021
New York Times International Edition
Democrats want the rich to pay higher taxes
Tankersley Jim - Cochrane Emily STAMPA ESTERA 30/03/2021
New York Times
Biden's Big Infrastructure Push Puts Climate Fight at Forefront
Friedman Lisa - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 24/03/2021
New York Times
Biden team hones a $3 trillion plan to ignite growth
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 23/03/2021
New York Times
Stimulus signals shifting politics of poverty fight
Tankersley Jim - DeParle Jason STAMPA ESTERA 14/03/2021
New York Times International Edition
For Biden, recovery starts with the poor
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 08/03/2021
New York Times
La Warren recupera il piano per una tassa sulla ricchezza
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 02/03/2021
New York Times
Biden Orders a Review of Supply Chains in Manufacturing
Tankersley Jim - Swanson Ana STAMPA ESTERA 25/02/2021
New York Times
Abrupt Change for Relief Program Shaken by Mistakes and Mishaps
Cowley Stacy - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 23/02/2021
New York Times
Inflation fears fall by wayside in the Biden era
Tankersley Jim - Smialek Jeanna STAMPA ESTERA 16/02/2021
New York Times
Amid Poor Jobs Report, Biden Calls for Fast Aid With or Without G.O.P.
Tankersley Jim - Broadwater Luke STAMPA ESTERA 06/02/2021
New York Times
Biden and G.O.P. hunt for a path to a relief plan
Broadwater Luke - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 02/02/2021
New York Times
Efficiency Of Loan Aid Is Questioned
Casselman Ben - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 01/02/2021
New York Times International Edition
One-sided path emerges for Biden aid package
Tankersley Jim - Cochrane Emily STAMPA ESTERA 30/01/2021
New York Times
President takes 2 quick actions to aid the poor
Tankersley Jim - Rappeport Alan STAMPA ESTERA 23/01/2021
New York Times
Tax Changes Under Trump Are Not All Going Away
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 23/01/2021
New York Times
Lesson Taken: A Rescue Plan That Aims Big
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 16/01/2021
New York Times
Biden plan calls for $1.9 trillion to buoy economy
Tankersley Jim - Crowley Michael STAMPA ESTERA 15/01/2021
New York Times
Federal funds a balm for now, but come too late for many
Casselman Ben - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 21/12/2020
New York Times
Hurdle for Biden as stimulus bill drops state aid
Tankersley Jim - Cochrane Emily STAMPA ESTERA 18/12/2020
New York Times International Edition
Stimulus may help but isn't a fix
Tankersley Jim - Casselman Ben STAMPA ESTERA 07/12/2020
New York Times
Lawmakers inch toward deal on aid package
Tankersley Jim - Cochrane Emily - Fandos Nicholas STAMPA ESTERA 04/12/2020
New York Times
Republicans turn fearful of economy under Biden
Tankersley Jim - Casselman Ben STAMPA ESTERA 03/12/2020
New York Times
Biden urges a `robust' stimulus as risks mount
Tankersley Jim - Rappeport Alan - Smialek Jeanna STAMPA ESTERA 02/12/2020
New York Times
Treasury job puts Yellen in a spotlight all her own
rappeport Alan - Swanson Ana - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 25/11/2020
New York Times
Biden preps for prospect of recession renewing
Tankersley Jim - Cochrane Emily STAMPA ESTERA 23/11/2020
New York Times
Even Before Biden Takes Office, He Faces Quandary on Stimulus
Casselman Ben - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 15/11/2020
New York Times International Edition
Hopes for a stimulus bill are revived
Tankersley Jim - Rappeport Alan - Cochrane Emily STAMPA ESTERA 07/11/2020
New York Times International Edition
Economists assess effects of Biden's tax plan
Tankersley Jim - Kaplan Thomas STAMPA ESTERA 20/10/2020
New York Times
Il dibattito globale su come e dove tassare i giganti della tecnologia si estenderà al 2021
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 13/10/2020
New York Times
With no stimulus in sight, dire forecast for economy
Casselman Ben - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 08/10/2020
New York Times
As infections jolt West Wing, Trump ends talks on aid
Smialek Jeanna - Cochrane Emily - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 07/10/2020
New York Times
U.S. Borrowing is set to exceed annual economy
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 03/09/2020
New York Times
It's a Go-It Alone Stimulus Unlikely to Stoke Recovery
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 09/08/2020
New York Times
President Is Preparing To Bypass Lawmakers As Stimulus Talks Fail
Cochrane Emily - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 08/08/2020
New York Times International Edition
The real reason for the postwar boom
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 08/08/2020
New York Times
Lawmakers remain far from any stimulus deal
Cochrane Emily - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 06/08/2020
New York Times
G.O.P. relief plan slices extra pay for unemployed
Cochrane Emily - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 28/07/2020
New York Times
Inside the plan to tweak $600 in aid
Tankersley Jim - Casselman Ben STAMPA ESTERA 24/07/2020
New York Times
Almost nobody wants the tax cut Trump wants
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 24/07/2020
New York Times
G.O.P. infighting exposes hurdles to a rescue plan
Cochrane Emily - Fandos Nicholas - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 23/07/2020
New York Times
Trade war and pandemic, but no `blue-collar boom'
Swanson Ana - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 22/07/2020
New York Times
Economic strain seen in forecast through autumn
Tankersley Jim - Casselman Ben STAMPA ESTERA 16/07/2020
New York Times
U.S. to place new tariffs on French goods over tech tax
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 11/07/2020
New York Times
Protests intensify push for diversity in economics
Casselman Ben - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 11/06/2020
New York Times
Might fast rebound doom type of aid that fueled it?
Tankersley Jim - Cochrane Emily - Smialek Jeanna STAMPA ESTERA 06/06/2020
New York Times
La Casa Bianca pronta a dare battaglia alle tasse globali sulle Big Tech
Tankersley Jim - Swanson Ana STAMPA ESTERA 03/06/2020
New York Times
Una ripartenza precoce rischia di creare maggiori disuguaglianze
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 28/04/2020
New York Times
La paura dei consumatori viene vista come un ostacolo per una rapida ripresa
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 15/04/2020
New York Times
La crisi causa la chiusura delle attività commerciali, forse per mesi
Cohen Patricia - Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 17/03/2020
New York Times
Il dibattito sulla tassa digitale diventa un'intricata rete mondiale
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 24/01/2020
New York Times
Un piano globale per chiudere i paradisi fiscali dei giganti della tecnologia
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 10/10/2019
New York Times
Trump stringe la morsa intorno ad Apple e mette in guardia la Francia
Tankersley Jim - Nicas Jack - Swanson Ana STAMPA ESTERA 27/07/2019
New York Times
L'Europa punta i piedi sulla tassa digitale
Tankersley Jim Rappeport Alan STAMPA ESTERA 12/07/2019
New York Times
Un importante passo avanti negli scambi commerciali riapre le attività americane con la cinese Huawei
Tankersley Jim Swanson Ana STAMPA ESTERA 10/07/2019
New York Times
Tassi invariati, mentre le Fed taglia le previsioni di crescita
Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 21/03/2019
New York Times
Un nuovo sospetto per il ritmo lento dell'inflazione: l'e-commerce
Cohen Patricia Tankersley Jim STAMPA ESTERA 12/06/2018
New York Times
Le discussioni sulle tasse mirano a tenersi buoni i guadagni dei ricchi
Tankersley Jim rappeport Alex Kaplan thomas ESTERA_ECONOMIA INTERNAZIONALE 28/11/2017

From the reviews