Carlotta Sarina

Carlotta Sarina

Lotta | Climate Artivist


Sure that our voice is the most powerful weapon against indifference. Lotta sings, plays and writes because she feels that through these creative forms she can create a bridge between message and people. The show wants to generate a “reaction” that can turn into a shock wave that catches the eyes of those who look away; words and notes are her building blocks to build a world we can call Home.

He was born and raised on a hill in Salsomaggiore Terme. Contact with nature is thus direct from the time she begins to take her first steps. As she grew up, her love for life turned into art, and Lotta decided to devote herself to music, attending at first the Liceo Musicale and then the conservatory, learning to play the contrabass. There she realizes that the score will chart the course of her journey, notes will be her faithful companions around the world, and the myths of classical music great advisers. In 2019 she left for a tour of China with the Campana Philharmonic Orchestra, playing in nearly thirty theaters in as many Chinese cities: among the youngest to embark on this journey, she was only 16 years old. From there she began to tackle stages and audiences, using her wooden giant as a shield.

Then, in July 2022, Detonation happened: after moving to Milan to pursue the dream, the crisis happened there. Convinced that she no longer had anything to give to the world through music, which is made up of race and competition, she decided to spend herself for the Planet and she got in touch with the major Italian and European activism realities. In front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, in a canoe on the Rhine River, while the police escorted her to the police headquarters, the enlightenment thus came: she would not give up music, her passion, for activism, but would put it at the service of the cause. Singing Bella Ciao there on the river in front of the police, she realizes that music touches the right emotional chords, it can take on important messages, become the vehicle to shake people's spirits more than any cry or invitation to rationality. The escort guards themselves began whistling the notes of the song with her and let her go with her comrades. She returns home and writes Detonation. From that moment begins the tour of the show, written, sung and acted by her, which Lotta takes around Europe, stopping in the squares of Paris, Berlin, Prague, Vienna and all the most important Italian cities. In the meantime, she writes, becomes an ambassador for Clothest, makes several photo shoots dedicated to sustainability, and increases her cultural background in order to understand the climate crisis better and learn how to popularize it.

In 2023, on the model of the French protests that made the squares of Paris dance to the rhythm of the techno song, Planete Brulè, she composes with producer Sharxx the song POWER, which made all the squares of Italy dance during the FridaysForFuture protests and which as in a beautiful circle made of hope for the future is also played in Paris by the same collective that had inspired her, Planete Boum Boum with Mathilde Caillard.

In October 2023, Lotta, who for all intents and purposes has become a climate artist, embarks on a new journey at the Holden School, a journey among words to discover the infinite ways of naming, of narrating, of divulging, convinced that our words are the most powerful weapon against indifference. Together with Holden she is working on new shows, new songs, new projects to tell the story of the climate crisis. She has taken part in TEDx in Varese, with part of the show Detonation and a monologue about a world we can finally call home.



A Venezia va in scena la natura

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A Solidalia Lotta presenta “Detonazione”

Fidenza, 18 Febbraio 2023 - Dopo aver calcato le piazze europee (Parigi, Berlino, Vienna e Praga) e dopo diverse tappe in tutto il territorio nazionale, Carlotta Sarina, in arte Lotta, ha portato il suo spettacolo musical-teatrale “Detonazione” a Fidenza, ospite del GAS | il Gruppo d'Acquisto Solidale nato 28 anni fa che è stato il primo in Italia.

Francesco Sicchiero per Lotta


Roma: Lotta presenta “Detonazione” sul palco della redazione di Scomodo

Scomodo, la redazione under 25 più grande d'Italia, ospiterà martedì 22 novembre alle ore 18.00, presso La Redazione a Roma, lo spettacolo teatrale “Detonazione” di Lotta. La giovane contrabbassista di Salsomaggiore Terme, dopo il tour europeo in Interrail e la presenza sul palco di Unstoppable Woman, continua a portare il suo messaggio di denun...