Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri

Tailor-made services for citizens, a designer community is born

Tailor-made services for citizens, a designer community is born

Designers Italia calls upon the world of design, both inside and outside the Public Administration: to strengthen the role of design thinking in the planning of digital public services


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In this link the event page with social network, pictures, videos


At Digital Design Days #DDD2017, The Italian Government Digital Transformation Team presents Designers Italia, the designers community for digital public services, created in collaboration with The Italian Digital Agency - AgID, as announced by Diego Piacentini in his post  on the Operating System of the Country.


 Milan, 1st June 2017 - The Italian Government Digital Transformation Team, presents Designers Italia, the designers community for digital public services, created in collaboration with The Italian Digital Agency - AgID.

“Digital is changing the form of public services: the role of design is precisely that of keeping the citizen at the heart of this transformation process by putting technology at his or her service.”  - Matteo De Santi, Product and UX / UI of the Government Digital Transformation Team wrote in his post -

Today we present Designers Italia, which we have worked with in the past few months in collaboration with AgID and which represents an evolution of the “Design guidelines for Public Administration web services” project. Designers Italia wants to be this meeting point and to do it, it must call the entire world of design to the table, both inside and outside of the Public Administration.“

The goals are:

  • to seek to understand citizens across the complexity of situations, needs, and moods in which they live;
  • to include the people’s point of view in the process of designing and choosing technologies;
  • work hard to make technology simpler, through a process of continuous improvement;
  • help people understand the new digital tools and give them ways to familiarize themselves with the changes;

"The challenge is this - commented Lorenzo Fabbri, Content Designer of the Italian Government Digital Transformation Team - to make citizens feel comfortable, to ensure that technology is experienced as a worthy ally for obtaining certificates, getting information, booking an appointment or paying a fine, and not a source of frustration."

The post continues on Medium

Marisandra Lizzi
Communication and PR
Twitter: @marisandralizzi
Facebook: marisandra.lizzi
Italian Government

Uploaded on 02/06/2017