Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri

Why information security is not simply a matter of black and white .

Why information security is not simply a matter of black and white

Responsible disclosure – the difference between malicious and ethical hackers

By Giovanni Bajo (Developer Relations) and Gianluca Varisco (Cybersecurity)

This is the beginning of the new post on Medium


The subject of our first post is not an easy one to discuss but it is the one that sits the closest to our hearts and has earned the first place in our manifesto (which you can find here in Diego Piacentini’s first post about the Digital Transformation Team):

Security and privacy are the most important tenets; the team never makes compromises in this regard.

First of all, what does security mean in the world of websites and software?


These days it is not uncommon to hear people talk about leaked credentials and stolen credit card numbers. There is no such thing as 100% secure software.

Security can’t be talked about in either-or dichotomies, it can’t be measured in terms of black and white. Its practicality must be constantly reassessed: even a previously secure software can suddenly prove itself totally inadequate, for example, in the case of attack by a malicious hacker. Security can only be measured in terms of levels and the security of a software depends on numerous factors, like the type of attacker or the budget available.


The post continues on Medium

Marisandra Lizzi
Communication and PR
Twitter: @marisandralizzi
Facebook: marisandra.lizzi
Italian Government

Uploaded on 23/12/2016




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