Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri

Towards the new “operating system” of the country

Towards the new “operating system” of the country

Technological competence and first plans

by Diego Piacentini, Government Commissioner for the Digital Agenda

This is the beginning of the new post on Medium

We have decided to follow the advice of Joao Gilberto, one of the masters of bossa nova, who said to a young Enrico Rava during his years in New York: “Only play the necessary notes. Try not to play the others”.
A good jazz musician knows that playing great music is – sometimes more than anything else – also about playing less. A musician must know when to pause, how to breathe and be able to listen to other musicians to create the perfect harmony.
In our hyper-connected era of social media, the risk of communicating more than what’s necessary – confusing what needs to be said with the superfluous – is high.


Nobody can realistically think that two years – the duration of the mandate of the Digital Transformation Team – is enough time to digitalize the Public Administration of Italy. Our goal is to set in motion a process of change that will ensure that digitalization goes from being something “extraordinary” to being the norm for the PA. Having said that, my main objective will be, paradoxically, to make sure that my own role of “special commissioner” ceases to exist.


The post continues on Medium

Marisandra Lizzi
Communication and PR
Twitter: @marisandralizzi
Facebook: marisandra.lizzi
Italian Government

Uploaded on 21/12/2016



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