Lotta alla Milano Music Week: il potere della musica
Lotta alla Milano Music Week: il potere della musica
L'artista climatica Lotta ospite della Milano Music Week al Base, mercoledì 20 novembre alle 20:45, con un monologo sulla potenza della musica per salvare il nostro futuro
Tra gli altri brani che si alternano alle parole del monologo: Bella Ciao, Questo Pianeta e Power
Milano, 20 novembre - alla Milano Music Week 2024 l'artista climatica Lotta apre le danze la sera di mercoledì 20 novembre, per “Linecheck Meeting and Festival, Milano, sul palco di Base: un monologo dedicato alla forza della musica per lottare per una causa, nonché un invito ad attivarsi per risollevare le sorti di un Pianeta che vorremo tornare a poter chiamare "casa".
Di seguito il monologo integrale portato al pubblico del Base:
I'm Lotta and I spent 7 years of my life immersed in classical music. Then something inside me broke. What was I doing, spending 8 hours a day on my double bass, playing Beethoven in an orchestra, while outside the world burnt?
So I quit, and went to protest in front of the European Parliament, on the Rhine River. Police quickly came and started taking us away. To broadcast that I believed in what I was doing, I started singing and, to my great surprise, the officer who had been yelling at us began whistling along as I sang.
In the end, he let us go. Music had saved us. At that moment, I realized I shouldn't abandon music in favor of activism, but rather put it in service of the cause.
Because every day I’m bombarded with news: images of wildfires, floods, droughts. How are we supposed to simply carry on? To sing merrily as if we’re not blindly marching off the edge? I want my voice to resonate, to propagate, to wake people up. I must do something, do my part, affect change. So no one feels unwelcome on their own planet anymore. This damaged, frustrating, beautiful planet.
Our greatest enemy is indifference. Our sick planet is not just crying out for help, it’s screaming goodbye while heating up, like a body consumed by fever, desperately burning away the infection. Burning us, like we burnt through resources and habitats and chances.
But even as emissions rise, even as outdated politics cling to fossil fuels and fossilized minds, even as wars rage, and fear, panic, and anxiety close in on us—I still love this planet. ‘Cause I’ve seen the world we could create, one worth fighting for. A world that could finally, once again, feel like home.
Music can move masses, but it’s not just made by voices like mine. It is an industry, also made by people like you. Embracing the protocols for sustainable live events is a way for the whole music industry to change; to offset, avoid and contrast some of the dynamics that hurt our planet while we sing for its future.
I’m doing all I can: all I’m asking, all we’re asking, is that you too help us help the planet, by making events as green as the future we dream of.
I believe there is still hope. All we have to do is stop digging and raise our eyes and voices to the sky. The voice of the people, the one that gives them power.
Convinta che la nostra voce sia l’arma più potente contro l’indifferenza. Lotta canta, suona e scrive perché sente che grazie a queste forme creative si possa creare un ponte tra messaggio e individuo. Lo spettacolo vuole generare una “reazione” che possa trasformarsi in un’onda d’urto che catturi gli occhi di chi guarda altrove, le parole e le note sono i suoi mattoncini per costruire un mondo da poter chiamare Casa.
Mirandola Comunicazione www.mirandola.net
Iacopo Mancini | iacopo.mancini@mirandola.net | 3760081513
Marisandra Lizzi | marisandra@mirandola.net | 348 3615042
Uploaded on 22/11/2024