Conlabora Srl

Conlabora Srl

Conlabora Srl is a private company providing services of Project design, Project management, Strategy planning for SMEs and Large Enterprises, University, Research Institutes and Public bodies. In particular, Conlabora Srl can offer tailor-made support for public and private operators in turning their "grass-root" project idea into a sustainable and coherently-planned project proposal for timely submission within funding programmes at local, national or supra-national level. Based on a wide field experience and broad inside knowledge of main international and national funding programmes, Conlabora is endowed with all the necessary competences and resources to assist different types of applicants in making their proposal successful within the appropriately identified funding opportunities also by developing mid- to long-term approach, by planning the most appropriate strategy and by supporting the drafting of a coherent project budget.


Nome Ruolo
Gustinetti Matteo

Ufficio stampa

PR Account
Matteo Gustinetti