Award-winning artist and information designer Giorgia Lupi will be this year’s Meet the Media Guru speaker at the Digifest kick-off on April 25 at George Brown College. Lupi’s talk will be also the occasion to celebrate the long-time partnership between Digifest and Meet the Media Guru, the Italian platform of knowledge exchange and meetings with international thought leaders. Last February, Meet the Media Guru announced the launch of MEET, the Italian Digital Culture Centre located in Milan. George Brown College and MEET are excited to join together to co-develop educational and research projects in Canada and Italy.
La pluripremiata artista e information designer Giorgia Lupi è il Meet the Media Guru speaker del Digifest 2018. A lei va il compito di inaugurare l’edizione 2018 del festival con una lecture in programma il 25 aprile (ore 18.30) al Waterfront Campus del George Brown College a Toronto. Lo speech di Lupi è l’occasione per celebrare la partnership fra Digifest e Meet the Media Guru, la piattaforma di disseminazione della cultura digitale internazionale, nata a Milano nel 2005. Nel febbraio scorso, Meet the Media Guru ha annunciato la nascita di MEET, il primo centro italiano per la Cultura Digitale. Contestualmente George Brown College e MEET hanno siglato un accordo per la co-creazione di progetti formativi e di ricerca da realizzare in Canada e in Italia.

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  25/04/2018 - 09/02/2025
  6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
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6:30 pm Registration and light refreshments

7:00 pm Introduction and Presentation / Q&A with Giorgia Lupi

8:00 pm Networking

8:30 pm Event Wrap up


Meet the Media Guru

Meet the Media Guru ( is the Italian platform of events featuring innovation leaders. Their new branding was guided by Giorgia Lupi and Meet the Media Guru just launched MEET, a new Digital Culture Centre located in Milan, Italy.