Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri

Diego Piacentini's comment on his appointment as Digital Champion

Diego Piacentini's comment on his appointment as Digital Champion

La notizia in italiano

Rome, 10 March 2017 -  Today, during the press conference for the Digital Day that will take place in Rome on the 23rd of March, Roberto Viola, General Director of DG Connect (European Commission) announced the designation of Diego Piacentini as Digital Champion. Diego Piacentini is currently the Government Commissioner for the Digital Agenda.

Diego Piacentini, that wasn’t able to attend the press conference, left this comment:

"I think that this kind of European role ought to be interpreted as a teamwork. So, in day-to-day life, the entire team for the Digital Transformation will be the true Digital Champion: its members, based on their skills and areas of expertise, will take on initiatives that coincide with what you'd expect from a Digital Champion: to activate a radical process of change, making digitalization something "ordinary" - no longer "extraordinary"

Diego Piacentini, Government Commissioner for the Digital Agenda

Marisandra Lizzi
Communication and PR
Twitter: @marisandralizzi
Facebook: marisandra.lizzi
Italian Government

Caricato il 10/03/2017




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