
Father.IO , the first video game that is played in real life

IO , the first video game that is played in real life

 Launches today the one month long crowdfunding campaign that allows you to secure your 363R Trigger for only $ 59 at the link http://father.io

 To date, Proxy42 has a community of 50,000 players in its waiting list for Father.IO, and a closed Facebook group with over 3,000 members aimed at studying the evolution of gaming

 November 10, 2014 - San Francisco - Proxy42, a gaming and hardware company specialised in augmented reality (AR) and mobile wearable, launches today on its website a crowdfunding and pre-order campaign for an ambitious project: Father.IO, the first massive multiplayer game and mobile wearable for AR gaming in real world environments.


Father.IO is an action game with a strong strategic component, in typical Risk and Travian style, that can be played in the real world: gamers will enter a real-life gaming experience, complete location-based missions, conquer territories, and collect virtual resources – all in real world settings – in order to survive a digital apocalypse. Gamers worldwide will be able to play Father.IO their own yards, neighbourhoods, and cities thanks to a mobile app available for Android and iOS, or from home through web-based activities and tasks.


"We will turn every corner of the city into the setting of a videogame thanks to the 363R Trigger, the portable device that allows gamers to turn their smartphone into a real lasertag, able to intercept and hit opponents up to 164 feet away, in all directions, with an accurate hit box," says Francesco Ferrazzino, CEO and founder of the project. "Father.IO will be free to download and allow gamers to access to the strategic gameplay; however, the 363R Trigger is required to enter the first person shooter mode and defend territories. The crowdfunding campaign will allow us to manufacture the first 5,000 pieces and complete the development of the game."

Starting today, the 363R Trigger will be available for a 30 day pre-sale at a price of $59 on father.io that is being powered by Tilt. Any gamer who orders the trigger during the crowdfunding campaign will receive the device in Spring 2015, and will have access to the game beta.


The 363R Trigger underwent a rigorous hardware review process by Dragon Innovation, a hardware manufacturing think tank, which issued the certificate "Certified by Dragon Dragon Innovation", guaranteeing the timely manufacture and delivery of the product while remaining in budget.

 About Proxy42

Proxy42, the makers of Father.io and 363R Trigger, is a startup focused on video games, augmented reality and wearable. The mission is to create an open platform for developers to create the next generation of gaming experience, interacting with the people, places, and objects around us. "Games as real as life"   

More info and contacts:

web: http://father.io
email: francesco@father.io 

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Caricato il 09/11/2014






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